
Suggestion 585 FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 27 Mar 2017
Location: Worldwidemap
Surnames/tags: data_doctors db_error_585
This page has been accessed 2,095 times.

Description of Error - 585: FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID

More WikiTree profile has links to the same FIndAGrave profile

To read more on Find A Grave, see Help:Find A Grave.

Content of info column: Compare link, where you compare both profiles in question for differences.


Suggestion 585 FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID
Play the Suggestion 585 FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID.

Topic Video: Mr E Figures Out Find A Grave
Play the Topic Video:  Mr E Figures Out Find A Grave.

Possible Causes

Duplicate profile on Wikitree.

Action Steps

There are few possible actions:

  • Wrong link to FindAGrave. It is possible that either profile has the wrong FindAGrave memorial identified as likely profile's memorial. In such case, you can link the correct FindAGrave memorial to the profile if it exists. If it doesn't, set the status to False error.
  • Error in wikitree. Merge duplicated profiles. It is possible that also relatives are duplicated, so examine also them.

Error Status

For each Error you can set status. You can set it as Corrected, Not corrected, False Error, Proposed merge or just add a Comment.

If there are related errors for the profile, you will also see them on status page.

Full description is available on Status Help Page.

Questions and Discussions on this Error

You can read what other people have asked here db_error_585.

You can also share your best practices, experiences, problems about the Error by posting a question in G2G. If you create a new G2G discussion for this Error, add tag data_doctors and db_error_585.

Technical Stuff

All identified links to FindAGrave are compared to profile data. Link is identified by extracting memorial number from link, template or text Memorial #

Comparison is done by following rules:

  • If the name is exactly the same, it is considered a match.
  • If it is a small difference, dates are also compared and if they are the same within 1 year, it is considered a match.
  • If it is a medium difference, dates are also compared and if they are exactly the same, it is considered a match.
  • If none of the conditions apply it is considered not identified.

All profiles that are linked to a memorial on FindAGrave are compared to determine if two or more are linked to the same memorial on FindAGrave.

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Comments: 4

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George Jacobs, Sr. is buried in Little Germany Church Cemetery in Perry CO, PA. John Sr. married Susan Duncan, nee Cislin (sp) first and had 6 children with her, including George Jr. but then Matilda and George Sr who is buried elsewhere- I would have to look it up. George Jr. remarried a widow, Matilda Foose, who may have also had children when they married but then together they 3 more. There were so many marriages for the men and so many deaths for the women, and then remarriages for the men that it is difficult to keep them straight.
posted by [Living Stutts]
Rob, This error is not shown for all links. Each profile has one or none links selected as best match. And if same memorial is selected on multiple profiles, that triggers an error. One of the matches is wrong or the profiles need to be merged.
posted by Aleš Trtnik
For an individual that never married, lived with his parents until they died, I created a timeline that included the death of each parent, with a link to the FindAGrave memorial for each. So the profile had 3 FindAGrave links, causing error 585 (once only, should have been twice). I initially marked it as a false error, but subsequently discovered elsewhere that you could avoid the error by including a third parameter, "sameas=no" (e.g. { {FindAGrave|94797734|sameas=no} }). Perhaps that should be added to the help here, as it seems a legitimate usage of multiple FAG links.

By the way, the error checker saw one 585 error, but did not see the second one (there were 3 FindAGrave links).

posted by Rob Jacobson
This FindAGrave link is to a Cenotaph which contains the names of several Condit (Cundict, Condit) ancestors.
posted by Alan Condit

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